• (509)-3802 0278
  • Heartofworshipministries@gmail.com
  • Viard, Kenscoff 74, Route de Godet
About Us

About Us

5D6B40C9-E2E7-4C10-9B4D-B4237A02FCFAHeart of Worship Ministries is  nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of our community through education and empowerment. We believe in the power of love and compassion to change lives and create a brighter future for all.

Our programs focus on education, elderly care, adolescent support, and agricultural development. We also engage in community outreach efforts and sell products made by our members. Each of our programs is designed to empower individuals and families, and to build a stronger, more vibrant community.

We invite you to learn more about our programs and how you can get involved. You can also make a donation to support our work and see the impact of your generosity.

Our mission is to empower individuals and families to reach their full potential through education, support and resources. We aim to be a beacon of hope for those in need, providing practical assistance and fostering self-sufficiency.

We are proud of the work we do, and we invite you to join us in this mission. Browse our website to learn more about our programs, events and ways to get involved. Thank you for your support, together we can make a difference.

Our Leaders


Cesar Robenson.  CEO 

I am the third child in a family of five, and I’ve always believed that being placed in the middle had a purpose. When I was 19, my father passed away after battling hypertension for seven years. At the age of 16, I made the decision to leave home and move in with my aunt to attend the Lycee National of Petion-ville, a high school I aspired to attend.

Education became my pathway to reaching my goals. After completing high school, I dedicated two years to learning English at the Haitiano-English School. Subsequently, I pursued studies in Accounting at Inuqua and expanded my knowledge further by delving into computer technology at Canado-Technic. The knowledge and skills I acquired through these educational institutions laid the essential foundation for my personal growth and development.

My true passion lies in imparting the knowledge and experiences I’ve gained to the next generation, especially those who may not have the means to access education, much like my own journey. I firmly believe in the power of community and have made it my mission to mentor and guide others to become leaders and their best selves. I encourage them to share their skills and knowledge with others, fostering a cycle of continuous learning and growth within our community.